On Oct.20th, Prof. Lin Haixiang of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) gave an online lecture to the teachers and students in the Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES). Prof. Wang Guoqiang (Vice Dean of the School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics) hosts the meeting.

Prof. Lin introduced the research progress of data assimilation and machine learning in air pollution prediction detailedly, including Application Driven Research at Dept Mathematical Physics, Modelling of air pollutions, Data Assimilation Application, Machine Learning Application, Combining Data-driven ML and Physics-based DA.

In the interactive session, the participants discussed with Prof. Lin on data assimilation, machine learning in air pollution prediction and "Secondary Modeling of Air quality Forecast", Part B of National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling in 2021. Through this lecture, teachers and students have a deeper understanding of hot spot and cutting-edge research issues in the fields of data assimilation and machine learning.