On Nov. 2nd, the School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics (SMPS) invites Prof. Qin Yuming (Chair of Mathematics department, Donghua University) to give an online presentation about “The education, advice, and supervision for the graduate students.” Prof. Wang Guoqiang (Vice dean of SMPS, Shanghai University of Engineering Science) hosts the meeting for the presentation. As the training session for the graduate students’ advisors, Prof. Wang and all related professors attended the meeting.

This presentation aims to finish the fostering virtue through education task completely, continuously deepen the graduate student’s education reform under the new situation, improve the graduate students’ cultivation quality, and strengthen the graduate student's all-round development. Besides, the presentation encourages teachers of SMPS to proactively take advantage of the graduate students’ education in training creative talents, improving innovation capability, and services for socio-economic development.
In the presentation, Prof. Qin shares his own experience with the graduate students’ education, advice, and supervision. The presentation has three parts, including the advisors' duty, graduate students’ training, and graduate students’ courses development. Especially, he points out that all the advisors should keep the education policies determined by the 18th CPC National Congress in mind. The guidelines require that fostering virtue through education is the fundamental mission for education and cultivating all-around development socialism successors and contributors is essential. He says, “Human being is no longer a human being without morality. The foundation of the education is to teach morality.” The “standard of behavior for the graduate student advisor” released by the department of education in Oct. 2020 says, “Graduate student advisor is the first person responsible for the student cultivation. It takes the important mission for the future of this country.” Prof. Qin emphasizes that the advisor should learn how to lead the student to success.

In the interactive session, graduate student advisors exchange their views on graduate student education with Prof. Qin and gain experience in leading students.