Dr. CHEONG, Sunway University, gave anacademic report
Release time: 2024-03-28 Browse the number: 12

Zhou Jing


In order to further strengthen international academic exchanges and cooperation, on the afternoon of March 27, The School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics invited Dr CHEONG, senior Lecturer, head of the Master of Actuarial Science Programme, Deputy Dean of the School of Mathematical Science, Sunway University, Malaysia, to give anacademic presentation entitled "Natural Convection in Enclosures".

Against the background of the design trendof miniaturization of modern electrical and electronic equipment, Dr. CHEONG's presentation pointed out the potential risk of failure caused by high heatgeneration and stressed the importance of research on efficient heat dissipation technology. Considering that most electrical and electronic devicesare housed in closed external containers, Dr CHEONG explored the implications of fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena in this environment for improvingthermal management efficiency. By building a mathematical model, simplifyingthe system of partial differential equations, and developing numericalal gorithms, she investigated the effects of various factors, such as the shapeof the vessel, the location of the heat source, and the number and height ofwaves on the right wall, on the optimization of heat transfer. These research resultsprovide effective strategies for balancing heat dissipation and performance indifferent application scenarios in engineering design.

Dr. CHEONG's report was fascinating andaroused the keen interest of the teachers and students present. In the followinginteractive sessions, the teachers and students had in-depth discussions with Dr. CHEONG on how to apply the research results to the design of fireprotection clothing and the shape design of electric heaters. This was not onlya grand academic event, but also a collision of thinking.

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